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On the Ground in Israel and NJ

A personal view of our efforts in Israel from Amir Shacham, Associate Executive Vice President, Israel and Overseas

Big Things and Big Birthdays

The Midrash says that big things are happening during the High Holidays. It was around that time of the year back in 1987 when I was given a once-in-a-lifetime professional and personal opportunity.

An unforgettable moment

In my years as a living bridges builder I have experienced many inspiring moments, but what happened last week was one the most meaningful and emotional happenings of my career.

Ma Nishtana?

I have been closely monitoring the “Who is a Jew” narrative over the last three decades. I broadly include all attempts by the state of Israel, and there were many, to define non Ultra Orthodox Jews as second class Jews – basically ignoring, undermining, insulting, and diminishing the…

The M Chromosome

I want to share with you an astonishing, only-in-Israel story, built over three days last week. It reflects the uniqueness of our people and the collective memory which keeps us vibrant.


Often when asked, what Federation means for me, my answer is: “It is my best vehicle to translate the big global Jewish scene into a local, intimate digested sphere – glocal.” This past week provided me with yet more proof of this theory.