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CRC: Advocacy in Action

Beijing + 20: Putting the Spotlight on Women’s Rights Globally and at Home

March is Women’s History Month and this March is the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World UN Conference on Women, otherwise known as the Beijing Conference that took place in 1995.

A Great Weekend for College and High School Students and for Israel

After 5,000 rockets were launched at Israel this summer over a 50-day period, Jewish students on college campuses have experienced an increase in anti-Israel actions.

We Grieve for Paris and Call for Unity against Global Incitement

The growth of global anti-Semitism and the rise of militarized Islamic fundamentalists carrying out barbaric acts in Europe and against Western and Jewish targets are filling our community with feelings of horror and fear.


As we start the holiday of Hanukkah we are reminded of miracles and generosity. It is that time of year when we remember those in need and feel generous to help.

Iran Negotiations: The clock is ticking even louder

With great hesitation we are again holding our breath to see what will transpire at the upcoming Geneva Iran Interim Negotiations meeting with the P5 + 1 on November 24.