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CRC: Advocacy in Action

Tensions With Iran Heat Up

by David Lentz


In November, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) confirmed that Iran is far advanced on the path to making nuclear weapons. Since then, the United States and European Union have both authorized (but not yet implemented) significantly increased sanctions targeted …

We Need the Partisan Spirit Now

by Sarit Catz


Growing up, I heard a lot about partisans and all of it good. 


You see, my mother’s parents were partisans. They fought a guerilla war against the Germans and their Ukrainian collaborators during World War II, blowing up train tracks, interrupting supply lines, killin…

The "7-10" Split in Syria: What Is the U.S. Plan?

by David Lentz


Anyone who's ever bowled knows that the worst combination after the first ball in a frame is the dreaded 7-10 split, with pins on the furthermost corners, all the way in the back. It's an almost impossible shot — for amateurs anyway.

I don't want to draw the analogy too …

Help Protect Safety Net for Needy

by David Lentz


Tuesday, we had an "off year" election. It may not appear turbulent on the surface, but the results of this election will actually have large consequences to issues of great importance to us as Americans and as active and interested participants in a vital Jewish community.…

Stand Up and Advocate for Israel

by David Lentz

On October 16, the Community Relations Committee of MetroWest and Central New Jersey (CRC), together with American Jewish Committee/NJ, sponsored the Step Up For Israel Advocacy Summit.


Over 350 people attended the program, where they heard from Senator Robert Menendez and…