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CRC: Advocacy in Action

In Support of Operation Pillar of Defense

 by Gordon Haas

The rockets are falling in Israel. Hundreds of thousands are in shelters and under siege. Israel has entered into a military operation to defend 4.5 million citizens — over half the population — who are under rocket fire from the Hamas terrorist organization. As you read…

WE NEED YOU – To Attend the Upcoming 2012 Election Candidates Forums

 by Gordon Haas

As the 2012 elections quickly approach, if you are anything like me, you are watching the presidential debates, listening to the pundits spin the different candidate’s positions, and being bombarded by Facebook posts. As you already know, this is a very important election …

A Special Opportunity for High School Juniors to Advocate for Israel

by Gordon Haas


The Community Relations Committee of Greater MetroWest NJ (CRC) is helping to provide a special leadership experience for Jewish high school juniors in Essex, Morris, Union, and Sussex counties.


We are making it possible for a select group to participate in Write On Fo…

1 Minute for the Munich 11

A guest blog by David Dranikoff


We live in an era where few people are held responsible for their misbehavior. The consequences often seem to fall on the system rather than on the people. Personal responsibility is the willingness to both accept the importance of standards that society es…

Help Make CRC a Statewide Powerhouse

by Gordon Haas


The launch of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ provides great opportunities for the Community Relations Committee (CRC) to be a true power base in New Jersey. It is also a daunting task.

Our vision is that we will have a greater impact with federal, state, an…