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CRC: Advocacy in Action

Iran: Everyone’s concern

The Jewish community has taken the lead on calling for ending Iran’s nuclear enrichment program and has strongly advocated for sanctions. In New Jersey we successfully worked to implement both national and statewide sanctions.

The Emerging Iran Nuclear Deal

As I write this blog we are living in a transitional time. ISIS is on the rise and continuing its ongoing violent march through the Middle East, heading toward the border of Israel. Anti-Semitism in Europe is increasing.

Engaging Student Leaders to Combat Anti-Israel Efforts on College Campuses

This has been a difficult year for Israel on college campuses. Anti-Israel efforts, including divestment resolutions before student governments, have more than doubled since Israel’s defensive war with Gaza last summer.

Domestic Violence: A Crime We Cannot Afford

Over the past year, the CRC in collaboration with the Rachel Coalition has been spearheading an effort to strengthen the coordination between domestic violence service providers and legislators.

With Freedom Comes Responsibility • Current-Day Plagues and the CRC Agenda

As we welcome in the holiday of Passover, I am reminded that with freedom comes responsibility.