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Shrinking the Board

We had an amazing meeting on Monday. After months of inspiring and dedicated work by a team of lay and professional leaders, our Strategic Plan recommendation on revising our by-laws was brought to the Board for a vote.
It was a tough meeting. It was filled with emotion, and passion, and kindness. And at the end of the meeting, our Board voted – and approved – a measure to reduce its own size from over 200 to some 65 members.
There are lots of further steps to take. As Churchill once said, this isn’t the end. It isn’t even the beginning of the end. But it may well be the end of the beginning. We have a lot of work to do, as we implement a strategic plan to make our federation relevant, meaningful, passionate, and inspiring. But we can do it. Because a smaller Board is the initial building block for making the rest of the plan happen.
As I sat watching inspiring speaker after inspiring speaker on Monday evening, a thought struck me. These institutions like our Board are more than just the collection of the people in them. They’re more than the history of what we’ve achieved and the aspirations of our community. The Board is the essence of our values.
No matter what the size, and the eventual outcome (which will be a continual work-in-progress), we saw such depth of thought, commitment, and community this week.
An effort this important truly takes a community...Mazal tov, congratulations, and our deep thanks to Leslie Dannin Rosenthal, Andy Stamelman, Gary Wingens, Jeff Shapiro, Stacy Davis, Marty Fox, Sandy Hollander, Jonathan Liss, Gary Aidekman, Jessica Mehlman, Michelle Zeman, Julie Rosenberg, Shannel Roberts, and Heather Sorkin, who worked so hard to bring us to this week.  

May we go further and stronger in the weeks ahead to serve our community.

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