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President’s Message

by Joan Schiffer Levinson

Many years ago when I began my career as a Special Educator working with very young, severely disabled infants and their families, I learned that success and progress could be measured in ways I had never imagined. I learned that no matter how dire the circumstances, there was still some way to make a difference.

Finding my way to the Jewish Federation, and more specifically to Women’s Philanthropy, came as no surprise to those who knew me, and it was the most seamless expansion of myself that I could imagine. The theme was identical: there are people in need, so learn how to help them. They benefit from my efforts and I feel fulfilled.

I recognized early on that Federation’s core mission was in alignment with my own beliefs and convictions, although I didn’t have extra hours in my busy schedule or spare dollars in my bank account to participate and give. So just as I did with all the other important aspects of my life, I began to budget my time and plan my financial allocations so I could make thoughtful, planned, and meaningful contributions to an organization that I believed in.

It was what we commonly refer to as a win-win. The more involved I became with Women’s Philanthropy, the more my participation enriched my life. As highlighted in this newsletter, Women’s Philanthropy sponsors inspiring and informative programs, such as our recent Education Series and Ladies Night Out, and provides an array of opportunities to meet other like-minded women. At our core, however, is the support Federation provides to those in need around the world.

After seeing the amazing work we do here at home and across the globe, and after working side by side with tireless hands-on volunteers, talented professionals, and dedicated leadership, I no longer shudder when I hear friends and community members say that Federation only wants money. I no longer feel the need to defend Federation for fundraising, because it is through fundraising that we are able to change lives. I am proud to represent our Women’s Philanthropy when I ask for money that helps those in need, because while there is a limit to what any one individual can do, there is no limit to what we, as a collective, can do.

Wishing you and your families a wonderful Pesach,  