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The Corridor

A blog by Dov Ben-Shimon, Federation CEO

All of us are not some of us

Religious pluralism isn’t a fancy buzzword. It has real-world consequences and implications. It means that American Jewish values of diversity, of mutual respect, and of tolerance should be upheld.

The enlargement of awesomeness

Our Federation has become the training ground for hundreds of lay volunteers in our community. This is a game-changer – because you can see the future leadership coming through the doors of the programs we offer right now.


At the funeral service for Jerry Gottesman, held at the Jewish day school that bears his name, the hundreds of people there truly recognized the impact he had on so many lives and understood that his was a life well-lived, filled with love, community, family, and legacy.

Art, Love, Life

Some people go to the mountains for inspiration. Others go to the ocean. But here in Greater MetroWest we need only go as far as Pleasant Valley Way in West Orange to our own Wae (Wellness, Arts, Enrichment) Center to get real inspiration.

The most important screenshot I ever took

In the past week I’ve been thinking a lot about securing the Jewish community, and I’m proud of our Federation’s new ability to communicate across our community to provide immediate information and potentially save lives during a crisis.