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The long-lost movie

Some movies you never see at the cinema. For example, did anyone actually see The Shawshank Redemption on a big screen with full sound?*
And occasionally you see a movie in the theater but the experience is diminished by technical difficulties.

That’s what happened to us a few weeks ago when we tried to celebrate our Julius and Bessie Cohn Young Leadership Award winners, Lee Murnick and Ariel Nelson, at our annual meeting. Technical difficulties meant that many were unable to hear this terrific short presentation.

Fortunately, all is not lost, and you can see our wonderful shlichim in a tribute to the Cohn Award winners of the past and present below.
It’s a tribute to leadership and to our future. And you won’t be able to watch it without smiling.

* I did. Long story. Much better in a cinema than on cable.

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