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Living Hebrew

At the amazing and inspiring Israel Center Gathering last week our President, Leslie Dannin Rosenthal, made a powerful statement. “We don’t just love Israel,” she said. “We don’t just support Israel. We live Israel.”

There’s a small example of that living in our main Federation offices.

When you come upstairs to the office areas, you’ll see that the main reception area has been changed. We’ve removed an unused desk and made the entire area more welcoming, with comfy chairs and a nice seating arrangement. And on the wall, playing non-stop on a large television screen, is live television from Israel. You can see in the photo several of our amazing shlichim enjoying a Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball game.*

There are two reasons for this change. First, we need to have a welcoming place for people to sit – our professionals and our visitors. This isn’t the final product, but it’s a good enough start for now.

And second, we need to hear Hebrew in our building every day. We don’t just love Hebrew. We live it.

*They lost 58=78 against HaPoel Tel Aviv. Not our fault.

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