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Guest Blog

Finding the Judaism in Teen Topics

“What do YOU want to learn?” That’s the JTEEN-GMW@ slogan. As we embark on a new era of JTEEN programming it is a question we are asking more and more… and we’re getting more responses than ever before.

A Rewarding Partnership

By Robert Lichtman, Chief Jewish Learning Officer

Camp Harlam, a URJ overnight Jewish summer camp and one of the founding partner camps in our Greater MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise, recently convened a special meeting to honor key stakeholders such as donors, volunteers, campers, and sta…

Life-Changing Encounters

We met Yohan and his wife. They are two young professionals who were among the 200 French olim who gathered at a synagogue to receive their Israeli passports and paperwork from the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) as they prepared to make Aliyah. We participated with them in a ceremony in whi…

Federation Is Creating Momentous Social Change in Israel

Thoughts and reflections on my time volunteering as a community organizer in the developing Israeli community of Ramat Eliyahu

By Benji Bernstein

In September of 2015 I embarked on a year of service in Israel as a volunteer in the GMW-supported Yahel Social Change Program, in the largely E…