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Arthur Borinsky Young Leadership Program (AM)

The Arthur Borinsky Young Leadership Development Program is an entry point for learning about Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ. The program educates participants about Federation’s local and overseas agencies, the valued role of leadership in the community, and how money is raised and allocated to meet the needs of Jews locally and around the world.

The eight-session morning program is designed for women only and covers topics such as Jewish mutual responsibility, Israel, overseas partners, the allocations process and a mini-mission to a local agency. It is an outstanding opportunity to connect with women who share a passion for the Jewish community and to learn how to take advantage of the many opportunities for involvement in the work of our Jewish Federation. We will be meeting in private homes throughout the Greater MetroWest community.

“It was a pleasure and privilege to have been involved, along with an extraordinary group of participants, in the Arthur Borinsky Young Leadership Development Program. What I learned about our Jewish community locally as well as globally, was both humbling and exhilarating. The sheer number of active, dedicated Jewish individuals and families supporting the vast array of programs and organizations that fall under the Jewish Federation's umbrella, and which help so many in need here in the US, in Israel, in Eastern Europe, and throughout the world is truly astounding. The Borinsky program expounded on this, the pursuit of tikkun olam (repairing the world), and provided us with tangible ways to be involved and do our part. I am grateful to have been a part of this impressive program.” – Sydra Miller

For more information contact Robin Leitner at (973) 929-3035 or