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From Leslie's Laptop

a blog by Leslie Dannin Rosenthal, President

Summer Camp

I loved my summer camp. Mind you, I only went to my camp for a total of eight weeks over two years, but those eight weeks have impacted and informed the rest of my life.


Sometimes, when a particularly beautiful pattern falls into place in a kaleidoscope, you wish you could take a picture of it to keep. That’s what I want to do here.

Bright colors, solid underpinnings, determined individuals.

Eleven professional artists collaborated with 64 Wae Center members of all levels of ability to create 10 chairs, based on the concept that “everyone deserves a seat at the table.” The celebration is called “Chairs of Inclusion.”

Little Sleep, Lots of Emotion

I am blogging on very little sleep, and lots of emotion, so I hope this makes sense.

Coincidence, Commitment, and Community

It is the season of the “Yoms” — Yom Hashoah, which we commemorated early this week, Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, next Sunday into Monday, which segues directly into Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s 66th Independence Day.