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Connecting to Our Past to Educate for the Future

A Real-Life Lesson on Freedom

It is Sunday night, and as I crawl into bed, I am easily drawn to reflecting on what we did over the past few days. There were soccer and lacrosse games, band practices, plans with friends, a birthday party, and the ending of Passover and thankfully eating some bread and then turning my kitc…

Remember the Brave Fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto at Your Seder

By Ilyse Muser Shainbrown

It was the eve of Passover, April 19, 1943. Instead of sitting around a seder table, as many of us will do on the same date this year, a small makeshift army of Jews began what would become a three-week battle against the heavily armed German forces that were attem…

Please, Stop and Think

From an early age, we tell our children: Choose your words carefully… Think before you speak… Don’t say something that could hurt someone else… and many more similar lessons. If you have ever parented or taught a young child, I’m sure you have found yourself in a situation in which…

Why Show Up?

Given that I work in the field of Holocaust Education, I am often asked a great deal of “why” questions. Why did something as horrific as the Holocaust happen? Why did some survive and not others?

Why Newark?

I am often met with blank stares when I explain what I do as Federation’s coordinator for Jewish Educational and Cultural Programming in Newark. These faces are often followed by the question Why?