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Local STARs Unite for Teen Racism Program

By Maya Kates & Sophie Kasson

Jews and people of color have a lengthy, complicated history. Jews were large contributors to the civil rights movement and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Many people of color have stood behind Jews when grappling with anti-Semitism. But in the past couple of decades, Jews and people of color have experienced a divide. We come from different backgrounds and have different values, religions, and cultures. What many of us fail to realize is how much we have in common. We are bonded by the persecution we have experienced throughout history. From the Israelites in Egypt and slavery to the persecution we all face today, we are more alike than may seem.

As a younger generation, we have a responsibility to restore the strong connection between Jews and people of color.

Jewish Federation’s NJ STARs (New Jersey Students Together Against Racism) program has become a great educational environment where high school sophomores and juniors come together to learn about the history of racism and anti-Semitism, and by doing so, learn how to contribute to the elimination of both in the future. The NJ STARs program united ten students from St. Benedicts school in Newark with ten Jewish students from Federation’s various JTEEN programs. During six Zoom sessions, we have been given the opportunity to hear stories from a Holocaust survivor, Hanna Wechsler, and African-American Orthodox Jewish rap star Nissim Black, both of whom shared their life experiences that have shaped who they are today. Listening to their unique stories and asking questions was a powerful experience. The program has also exposed us to numerous articles and videos that reinforced the importance of NJ STARs’ mission to bring Jews and people of color together and combat the forces that attempt to destroy minorities.

In addition to hearing the stories of these two inspirational individuals, we also got to know the experiences of one another. We were able to have in-depth conversations about racism, anti-Semitism, as well as our own experiences. Topics such as red-lining, systemic racism, and civil disobedience allowed us to not only reflect on ourselves, but also hear about others’ experiences. We were also allowed to learn about our identities and how our voices are important to changing the systemic issues that we face today. Along with all the history we learned, we also looked towards the future to reflect on ways we could prevent issues such as police brutality and hate crimes. Every one of us has a unique outlook on the world which is what made the discussions so interesting.

It’s been such an incredible experience to be able to interact with an intelligent, passionate group of teenagers who share a desire to eradicate racism and anti-Semitism. Through sharing personal experiences, gaining exposure to informational documents we wouldn’t have otherwise seen, and interacting with those whose lives differ greatly from our own, we, as NJ STARs participants, have been given the unique opportunity to explore issues running deep within our society. As we grow older and become more responsible for the positive, long-lasting change we hope to see in the world, we’ve been encouraged to self-reflect and do as much as we can to fight against oppressive systems and behaviors. We’ve questioned our own identities and worked in a safe environment to be contributors to a world free of racism and anti-Semitism that we hope to see become a reality in the future.