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We want each of you to find a seat at the table

This is my favorite time of year for cooking. Actually, at this stage of the game, it's more like assembling than cooking. The farmer's markets, even the supermarkets, are full of wonderful fruits and vegetables that need very little preparation in order to make a wonderful meal. I get so carried away by all of the produce that I invariably wind up with too much left over. So, in anticipation of over-purchasing, I went through all of my food magazines this weekend, looking for recipes to use up the tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, peaches, and blueberries I know will be coming into my kitchen in the next few weeks. Two favorite ideas, one for right away and one for later: As soon as you get home from the market, pull out the ripest, juiciest tomato you've picked, slice it cross-wise, drizzle with olive oil and a little salt – devour immediately! Second, flash-freeze blueberries by spreading them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (so great to have blueberries from July on your waffles in January!) I'm always looking for new recipes, and I'll bet you are, too – what's your favorite summer recipe?

And I'm also assembling and preparing in a different way. This is the time of year when the leadership of Women's Philanthropy is busy putting together the activities and events that make up our calendar. And we are always looking for the right recipe – the right combination of learning opportunities, fun events, missions, agency visits, and engaging speakers that will provide you meaningful insight and connection to the amazing Jewish community of which we are all a part. As we begin to roll out our ideas for the ultimate menu we plan, we want each of you to find a seat at the table. Although it's a bad idea to skip breakfast, our calendar is actually starting off with lunch, specifically a Board Lunch, where the Women's Philanthropy Board will examine "The Art of the Jewish Conversation." From there, we will go on to what I see as a year of unfolding treats and new recipes for success in creating a stronger Jewish world. I am looking forward to sharing recipes AND success with all of you!


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