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Starting something new

June 29, 2009

Starting something new is a little scary, a little exciting, a little curious. This blog is, of course, new, as is the job description that goes with my new/old title. I am a little scared about taking on the obligation to share my thoughts with all of you on a regular basis. I'm excited to see if you find this blog interesting, and I'm curious to see if you will write back and share your thoughts and feelings.

As President of MetroWest's Women's Philanthropy, I am now responsible for outreach, education, and campaign, all three of which are vital components of our mission of helping Jews in need and growing Jewish community. I am a little bit nervous about this new combination of duties but very excited to usher in a new way of reaching for our goals. And I am very curious to see how these new ways can increase our sense of community and shared commitment.

When facing a new task or challenge, the impulse might be to simply roll up your sleeves and get to work. And I am doing that, getting chairs and dates in place for our upcoming year. But I'm also taking some time to recharge my batteries. Now that the sun has made a re-appearance, I will take some time to get out in the garden and try to rescue the flowers and herbs. And I'm going to recharge my Jewish batteries, first by delving into a book on Jewish leadership by Dr. Erica Brown called Inspired Jewish Leadership, and second, by going to Israel as part of the national UJC Campaign Chairs and Director's Mission. This annual trip shows us what is happening in Israel through the work of our overseas partners: the Jewish Agency for Israel and the JDC. I'll be traveling with our Women's Philanthropy Director Sarabeth Margolis Wizen, looking for all the news to bring back to you. This laptop is pretty new to me, and I am looking forward to having it with me and being able to share a little bit of our trip with you.

So here's what I want to know from you: what are you doing this summer that has you nervous/scared/excited/curious? What recharges your batteries, personally and/or Jewishly?



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