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2 2018

Religion and State in Israel Perspectives from an Israeli

9:00AM - 11:00AM  

Amit Stern will talk about religious pluralism in Israel from an historical and political point of view, its effect on relations with the Jewish community in the US and his projections for the near future. He will also share his own story of being considered single in the eyes of Israel, even though he had a Halachic wedding.

Greater MetroWest Federation Community Shaliach, Amit Stern, 35, came to NJ from Jerusalem with his family to oversee the Mishlachat (delegation of rishonim and shlichim) and work throughout the community. He holds a B.Ed. and teaching certificate in history and bible studies from Kibbutzim College of Education and a bachelor’s-of-law degree from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His extensive experience in Jewish education includes serving as Israel national director of Noam, the Masorti (Conservative) youth movement, and various positions in the Israeli Scouts.

Sponsor: This program is sponsored by Lifelong Learning and Israel Affairs committees of CBI.

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