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28 2019

Prof. David Myers: A Historian Reflects on Israel's Past & Future @ TBA

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Temple B'nai Abraham 300 East Northfield Road
Livingston, NJ 07039

Contact Temple Abraham

On Thursday, March 28, 2019, 7:30 PM, at Temple B’nai Abraham, David N. Myers, Ph.D, Professor of Jewish History, UCLA and Board President, New Israel Fund ., will explore Israel’s Past and Future. This lecture is supported by the Bloom Family Memorial Lecture Fund and is free and open to the community!

What is Israel’s future? Prof. David Myers, a frequent visitor to Temple B’nai Abraham, believes that to understand Israel’s future, it is important to understand its past. Author of numerous definitive works on Jewish and Israeli history, and a frequent visitor to Israeli universities and commentator on contemporary Israel, Myers will explore what Israel history can teach us about its future, the future that which we can know, and the future for which we hope.
Currently the Board President of the New Israel Fund, Prof. David Myers has been on the faculty of UCLA since 1991, and had served as both Chair of its Department of History and Director of its Center for Jewish Studies. One of his generation’s most respected Jewish historians, Myers is the author or editor of fifteen books, has written hundreds of scholarly and popular articles, and has lectured at universities throughout North America, as well as in France, Germany, Russia, The Netherlands, and, of course, Israel.

Sponsor: TBA Congregational Learning

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