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21 2018

Dr. Ashley Koning to speak at Renaissance Luncheon

12:30PM - 3:00PM  

Temple B'nai Or 60 Overlook Road
Morristown, NJ 07960
973-539-4539 (Phone)
973-539-2758 (Fax)

Contact Carol Marin

Dr. Ashley Koning, Director of The Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University, will be the featured speaker at a Renaissance Group luncheon. She will speak on the upcoming midterm elections for the US Senate and House of Representatives, the outcome of which may result in one or both legislative chambers switching from Republican to Democrat party control.

Renaissance member cost is $15, non-Renaissance member cost is $20.

RSVP to Mitzi Szerlip at 973-839-1939.

Sponsor: The Renaissance Group at Temple B'nai Or, Morristown, NJ

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