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President’s Message

by Rebecca A. Gold

Rebecca A. GoldAs I jot down these thoughts, I am getting ready to join a weeklong Federation Mission to Cherkassy, our partnership city in Ukraine. I have long felt the need to see this place for myself and meet the Jews there who essentially have been left behind. These are some of the poorest Jews in the world, and we are their lifeline – providing them with food, medicine, opportunities for Jewish renewal and, just as important, home visits by caring human beings. The personal connection is truly the most compelling reason for my trip: to let these Jews know that there are actually other Jews – 4,000 miles away – from Greater MetroWest, New Jersey, looking out for them

My great-grandparents and grandparents were from a small shtetl called Strelisk, in what is now eastern Ukraine (then Austria). If my grandparents had turned right instead of left… Well, you know how that goes. The connection to Jews all over the world, wherever and however they are living, is the power of our Federation.

In light of what’s going on in our world today, I feel even more strongly about our need for a connected and caring Jewish community. This is critically important. In a time when we are so divided – we are spread far apart geographically, with many different ways of living and thinking – community is not very easy to create and nurture. Judaism is much more than religion and culture. Being a Jew also revolves around our shared values and responsibility for one another. With challenges facing Jewish communities on the rise in America and around the world, it’s important that we feel united somewhere. Federation is that somewhere.

Our Federation is adept at launching emergency responses to crises, such as providing hurricane disaster relief or organizing an impromptu community-wide rally against gun violence.  But our Federation also responds to the daily ongoing needs of Jews living in Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe. These responses are critical to the well-being and continued safety of the Jewish people everywhere. It is our responsibility to do so. Who else but Jews will take care of other Jews?

And we are not just for others – we are for one another.

These last two years as Women’s Philanthropy president have been profoundly meaningful and fulfilling for me. I hope you will all reflect on how much you do to help so many. You are appreciated more than I can express, and I will carry you all in my heart to Cherkassy and back.

Editor’s Note: Rebecca returned safely from our inspiring trip to Cherkassy, Ukraine and looks forward to sharing more thoughts on the mission in the future.