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CRC: Advocacy in Action

CRC Lobbying Mission Heads to Washington, D.C.

A delegation of 16 community members heads to D.C. to meet with our elected congressional leaders and lobby on the issues of critical importance to our Jewish community

Members of Knesset Visit GMW

Against the backdrop of simmering tensions and frustration over the Israel government’s freeze of the Western Wall agreement, five members of the Israeli Knesset came to Greater MetroWest for meetings with rabbis, community leaders, and students.

The Power of Relationships

Federation is showing GMW teens and college students that they have the ability to help shape and impact the strength of the U.S.-Israel alliance by speaking with legislators, opinion makers, and campus leaders who will one day populate the halls of power.

In Rejecting BDS, Livingston’s Town Council Affirms Core American Values

It’s been four and a half weeks since our national election. With many of us focused on the aftermath of a divisive presidential race, you may have overlooked one small but decisive vote against hatred, hypocrisy, and exclusion that was registered last month in the town council of Livingston.

The Election Is Over. Now What?

On a sleepless night last Tuesday, as the contours of an historic electoral decision began to take shape, my mind drifted back to a lower Manhattan courtroom, where – 15 years ago – I took the oath to became an American citizen.