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Cecille Asekoff Honored for the Essential Role She Has Played in Field of Chaplaincy

On September 18, a remarkable woman was honored for her 27 years of service to the Neshama Association of Jewish Chaplain (NAJC) as its Executive Director. She took on the fledgling role in 1989 and grew it from a local position to one that has launched Jewish chaplaincy programs throughout the U.S. and in Israel, affecting thousands of lives. Though retiring from her position at NAJC, Asekoff will continue in her position as the Director of our Federation’s Joint Chaplaincy Committee.

“She raised the level of appreciation and the unique role that chaplaincy and spiritual care plays in the healing process of patients as well as their families,” says Stanley Stone, now Executive Director of Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ. “When I was the Executive Director of Jewish Federation of Central NJ,” he continued, “we had no chaplaincy program. Cecille came in and connected with different synagogue groups. She taught them about the need for chaplaincy care for those in hospitals, nursing homes, and even those living at home, and before we knew it we had an army of volunteers – and intergenerational army – visiting patients and their families, both Jewish and not. It was as an incredible way to break down barriers between the synagogues and their surrounding communities.”

Cecille was also instrumental in introducing spiritual care in Israel. In fact, said Stone, there were Israelis at the tribute ceremony who flew in just for the day to honor Cecille for the work she has done there and her many other achievements.

Cecille Asekoff created a model for chaplaincy in Greater MetroWest NJ and then, through her work at NAJC, was able to spread this model of care throughout the country and beyond. For her commitment, all those in the field are tremendously grateful.

For an example of the ways that chaplains and the work they do touches peoples’ lives, listen to this radio program which aired on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition just before Rosh Hashanah.